A motorcycle accident can be caused by lane splitting and speeding. Drivers can be impatient and lane split too quickly. Motorcycles are smaller and more difficult to spot. Motorcycles are also less likely to sustain a head injury. Read on to learn more about the dangers of lane splitting and speeding. It will save your life and that of other drivers. Listed below are some tips to avoid motorcycle accidents while lane splitting.
Speeding while lane splitting causes of motorcycle accidents
It’s not uncommon for motorists to blame motorcyclists for causing a motorcycle accident. Speeding while lane splitting in California is illegal and contributes to the public’s misperception of motorcycle riders. However, if the motorist contributed to the accident, a motorcycle accident victim may be able to recover compensation. Read on to learn more. Motorcycle accidents are often caused by weaving between slow-moving traffic and parked cars. As a result, motorcycles have limited room to maneuver.
In many states, it is illegal to speed while lane-splitting. While the practice is legal in California, it is not recommended. It is also illegal in most states and could result in a serious accident. It is dangerous and could result in a citation. Motorcycle accident victims who were hurt in a lane-splitting collision can seek compensation.
A study in France showed that motorcycle lane splitting causes 12 percent more accidents than roads that do not allow it. The study was conducted by researchers at the Center for Studies and Expertise on Risques and the Federation Francaise des Motards en Colere. The results were alarming for motorcycle riders and have spurred several road policies to ban the practice altogether. Researchers plan to continue their research and look for ways to make lane splitting safer.
The driver’s negligence can also lead to a civil, personal injury lawsuit. While speeding while lane-splitting is illegal in general, proving that the negligent driver caused the accident is not difficult. The injured party can seek compensation for their injuries, medical expenses, pain, and suffering as long as the accident was caused by the driver’s negligence. The victim’s motorcycle accident lawyer oxnard can help them determine the appropriate course of action.
Motorcyclists who practice lane splitting are less likely to be injured than other drivers. This reduces traffic congestion and results in fewer accidents. Lane-splitting is a popular practice in many countries, including California and the United States. According to the American Motorcyclist Association, it reduces motorcycle accidents and traffic congestion. Motorcycle riders should use caution when lane-splitting and wear a full-face helmet.
Smaller motorcycles are more difficult to spot
Many drivers fail to notice motorcycles. They weave through traffic to pass faster and fail to check their blind spots. When a motorcycle is on the road, this lack of visibility increases the chances of a deadly collision. Drivers must be more aware of motorcycles to prevent a collision. Below are some common mistakes drivers make when driving. Learn how to avoid a motorcycle accident.

Motorcycles are easier to spot because they are smaller than cars. Motorcycles are also more difficult to navigate. Drivers have less time to see them, so they are often obscured by cars or other objects on the road. Statistics have shown that 70 percent of motorcycle-versus-vehicle collisions happen at intersections. Additionally, even minor road hazards pose a major threat. Potholes, oil spillages, puddles, and uneven pavement can all make roads unsafe for motorcycles.
Motorcyclists must also avoid speeding on the road. Because it takes more time to react, this can lead to a motorcycle accident. Motorcycles are less stable than cars and motorcycle drivers may try to reach higher speeds. This can cause an accident that can be more severe than a car accident. Smaller motorcycles can be fun to ride, but they are less visible than larger motorcycles. Be aware of the differences in size and consider riding with others if you plan to ride a motorcycle.
Bad weather can also affect motorcycle visibility. When the roads are slippery or rainy, motorcycles can easily veer off the road, colliding with a tree or fence. Drivers should increase their following distance and use a light or horn to make their presence known. They should signal turns ahead of time. Motorcycles should not make sudden lane changes. This can lead to an accident.
Drivers can be impatient
Impatience driving can be dangerous and can lead to speeding and tailgating, illegal changes of the lane, and even road rage. Impatience can affect every aspect of your driving. If you are in a hurry, you might speed up. You may run red lights or disregard traffic signs, as well. Impatient drivers are also more likely to crash. They also cause more motorcycle accidents than any other type of driver.
Research has shown that both motorcycle and car drivers are more likely to blame the other for an accident. While both groups tend to place blame on the other, drivers can be impatient and cause motorcycle accidents by not yielding to motorcyclists. This is particularly true at intersections where drivers are often reluctant to yield to motorcyclists. Impatient drivers can be the cause of motorcycle accidents, and it’s important to remind drivers that motorcyclists have the right of way.
Other contributing factors are drivers’ actions. Impatient drivers may not have noticed an approaching motorcycle. They may also not want to admit to a deliberate violation. Research into motorcycle crashes has focused on the drivers’ gap acceptance behavior around motorcycles and their visual attention to motorcycles. Motorcycle accidents are more likely to be caused by impatient drivers than those who are distracted or drowsy. There are other ways to avoid motorcycle accidents.
Impatient drivers might make an impatient decision and make a turn right in front of you. This could lead to serious injury, or even death. Impatient drivers may also drive too close to another vehicle. A proper distance between drivers is one car length per 10 mph. Tailgating is the same. In winter, snow mixed with water makes it difficult to see the other driver.
Less likely to suffer head injury
It is possible to ride a motorcycle in two lanes and still survive an accident. According to University of California Berkeley research, wearing a helmet can help protect your head in certain situations. According to their study, the wearer of a helmet is three times less likely to sustain a head injury in a motorcycle accident caused by lane splitting.
Motorcyclists who are involved in lane-splitting accidents are at significantly lower risk of suffering a traumatic brain injury than those who are not involved in crashes. According to statistics, helmets reduce the risk for TBI by 27 percent. Riders who don’t wear helmets are more likely to sustain severe TBI than riders who do. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration published statistics on motorcycle crashes.
One of the leading causes of motorcycle accidents is lane splitting, a practice in which a rider travels between two lanes of moving traffic at a high speed. Although lane splitting is prohibited in many jurisdictions, it is common on roads where drivers are distracted by other vehicles and may not see motorcycles. This can result in a serious motorcycle accident and extensive rehabilitation.
Distracted driving is another reason for motorcycle crashes. Distracted driving can be caused by distracted driving. Other distractions may include eating, drinking, and reaching for objects. 27% of passenger car drivers have been almost struck by a lane-splitting motorcyclist.
Wearing a helmet reduces your risk of sustaining a serious head injury. CODES found that helmet-wearing motorcyclists were 35% less likely to sustain serious head injuries in 2003-2005 than those who did not wear helmets. Helmet use may reduce the severity of head injuries and prevent multiple injuries. A helmet can protect your head and face.