Motorcycle Accident Injuries
The most common injuries resulting from a Motorcycle Accident are traumatic brain injuries and limb amputations. Survivors of these injuries typically experience a severely diminished quality of life and may require lengthy rehabilitation. Paralysis is the result of an injury to the thoracic spine, a region of the body most commonly affected by a motorcycle accident. If you notice pain or tenderness in the back or neck after an accident, you may have neurological damage and need immediate treatment.
Road rash
If you are injured in a motorcycle accident, you may suffer from road rash. The area affected is often very painful and should be covered with gauze or a clean cloth. Changing bandages daily is important for healing. If the area has been stitched, make sure it is well moisturized. A silicone cream may help minimize scarring. Apply it to the area twice a day. A doctor will examine the wound and prescribe antibiotics if an infection is present.

Head and neck injuries
A motorcycle accident can cause serious head and neck injuries. These types of injuries are very common in motorcycle crashes and can be caused by a number of different factors. Even if you are not able to move, neck and head injuries can cause you severe pain and may require physical therapy and surgery. A medical professional can determine the severity of your injuries and help you decide which treatment is appropriate. In some cases, whiplash symptoms may take a day or longer to appear.
Traumatic brain injury
If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, you’ve probably experienced some form of traumatic brain injury. Even minor TBIs can cause serious complications, including seizures, loss of memory, and trouble concentrating and communicating. Additionally, twenty to forty percent of all TBIs will result in vision problems. In addition, the brain can become infected when a piece of bone penetrates the skull. Medical procedures and prolonged physical therapy may be required.
Spinal cord injury
A spinal cord injury can occur anywhere along the spine, but it is most common in the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar regions of the spine. Damage to one or more of these regions may result in paralysis, or impaired movement or sensation, and it is possible to develop multiple levels of injuries. In fact, a significant number of motorcycle accident victims are left with chronic pain or paralysis after a spinal cord injury.
Lower-extremity fractures
Although most cases of lower-extremity fractures after motorcycle accidents result in no fatality, they can be debilitating. Although they are not the most serious types of injuries, non-fatal leg and foot fractures can leave victims unable to work or move around for weeks or months. Even if non-fatal, severe fractures can leave the victim with limited mobility for the rest of their lives.
While the accident itself might have been a minor fender-bender, the spinal column is sensitive and can sustain permanent damage. The injury may also result in extensive medical costs, and paralysis victims may require ongoing care and special equipment to get around. The loss of mobility can affect every aspect of the person’s life. A paralyzed person’s financial burden is tremendous. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to recover compensation for such injuries.