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Lane Splitting Motorcycle Accidents
Many motorcycle riders are involved in an accident that causes lane splitting. Because motorcycles are so close to other vehicles, lane splitting can cause accidents. This leaves the motorcycle rider-less ...
Motorcyclist Injured by Drunk Driver
Did you know that a drunk driver can be held liable for the actions of a Motorcyclist? What should you do if you are the victim of drunk driving? Below, ...
How to Avoid Being Rear-Ended on Country Road?
Injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents range from broken bones to maimed limbs. Whiplash can cause damage to the eyes and even force the eyeball out of its socket. Road rash ...
Motorcycle Accident in Construction Zone on Interstate
Here are some things to do if you are a victim of a motorcycle crash in a construction zone along Interstate. First, you should immediately seek medical attention, as injuries ...
What are the Types of Motorcycle Accident Injuries?
Injuries that can be caused by motorcycle accidents are many, and varied, but in general, the most common types are fractures, and internal bleeding. Road rash and lung injuries are ...
Why Using Social Media After a Motorcycle Accident Is an Issue?
Before you post something on social networking sites or any other site on the internet, think carefully. You should be careful about what you post on these sites. It can ...
Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Motorcycle Accident Injuries The most common injuries resulting from a Motorcycle Accident are traumatic brain injuries and limb amputations. Survivors of these injuries typically experience a severely diminished quality of ...
Motorcycle Accident Safety Tips
Motorcycle Accident Safety Tips If you’re planning to take a bike trip, you should know the important motorcycle accident safety tips. Remember to wear a helmet, follow the speed limit, ...